Welcome to Luminous Soul Life. I'm Cassie and I'm a Kinesiologist servicing the Bayside area of Melbourne. Having originally trained in natural medicine, I bring my passion and knowledge for natural health to the powerful modality of Kinesiology. Incorporating mindset, mindfulness and energy healing techniques into my client sessions, my goal is to offer an holistic and gentle approach to balance and activate the body's subtle energy systems, remove blockages and empower clients to heal themselves.
My Story
I am passionate about Kinesiology & energy work, as I have benefited greatly from these healing modalities myself. Having always had a tendency to people please and give more than receive, motherhood for me threw this even more out of balance. I dedicated myself to my family who I adore, but in the process I lost my sense of self. My needs were always my last priority, and I was exhausted. Kinesiology helped me to find myself again, to find my joy, develop healthy boundaries, and bring me that direction and passion that I had lost.
The name Luminous Soul Life came out of my desire to help other people who have lost their way and empower them so that their luminous soul can shine bright once more. The Luminous Soul logo of the tree of life, reflects the sparkle that comes with shining your light, feeling deeply grounded and connected to the earth, while simultaneously open to the universe and its infinite possibilities!

I have worked across many areas of the health and corporate world over the years however discovering Kinesiology and energy work has been life changing for me and I'm so grateful that my passion has become my work. I love to learn and am always adding to my toolkit which therefore adds further depth to my work.
Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology (EMK)
Bachelor Health Science (Naturopathy)
Diploma Health Science (Nutrition)
Diploma Health Science (Herbal Medicine)
Meditation for Kinesiology
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certificate
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner Certificate
Mindfulness Facilitator
Reiki Level 1 & 2
Pellowah Energy Healing Level 1 & 2
Life Coach
Ericksonian Hypnosis
Kinesiology for Kids
Trauma Informed Certificate for Coaches
Animal Kinesiology
Life After Trauma Practitioner Course - currently studying
Primitive Reflexes for Kinesiologists - currently studying
Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology (NLK) - currently studying/due for completion early 2025